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Contact Your Lawmakers

AdoptChange supports laws that promote ethics and transparency in adoptions. Read on to learn about some important legislative efforts underway and the steps you can take to ensure that these bills become law.

H.R. 6220


Unlicensed intermediaries are unregulated for-profit entities that act as middlemen between pregnant women and adoptive families in exchange for fees ranging from $18,000 to $45,000.

Unlicensed for-profit adoption brokers put pregnant women, their children, and hopeful adoptive parents at risk for exploitation, depriving them of the support they need before, during, and after adoption.


AC Logo for EFB-1

Join the fight

Support is Growing!

A large and growing body of adoption professionals and advocates are voicing their support for the ADOPT Act, joining the fight to protect children, birth parents, and hopeful adoptive families against commodification and exploitation by unlicensed, for-profit intermediaries.

See the full list of endorsing organizations and add yours to the list!

S. 4448

The Adoptee Citizenship Act

Many people believe that foreign-born children adopted by U.S. citizen parents automatically gain U.S. citizenship. However, this is not true. Thousands of adoptees in the United States lack U.S. citizenship today, and many do not even know it. The Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024 is a common-sense, bipartisan solution to a long-standing problem affecting intercountry adoptees.

H.R. 6700

The Adoption Counts Act

The federal government has not collected private adoption data since 1975. Without reliable data, policymakers are unable to make informed decisions about domestic adoption policy, laws, and budget allocation. 

The Adoption Counts Act will require states to provide this data to Health and Human Services annually. 

Speak up for vulnerable women, children, and families. Ask your lawmakers to protect domestic adoption.

Mom and Child reassuring


It's time to take action against the commodification of children.

Subscribe below to learn how to contact your elected officials and urge them to make protection for all individuals involved in the domestic adoption process a priority. 

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begun to shed light on these important

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